I would like to be this 3rd donkey

30 seconds, 4 donkeys, and a brilliant videographer => a brilliant video!

What would’ve taken some of us (read: me) many paragraphs (& not to mention, a fair number of typos) took whoever created this video all of 30 seconds to illustrate one of the most important aspects of life.

Whatever it is that we do, and even if we stand to benefit from it, it is imperative that we do everything in our capacity to make things at least a tad easier for folks who come after us. Not all of us can move mountains but we can certainly do these:

1. Keep trying to move that mountain as long as we live.
2. And in the meantime, remove a few hurdles for others along the way.

If you learned even a tiny bit from my writings, podcasts, videos, (not to forget — ramblings and rants as well!), I would consider myself blessed. Or, should I say — this 3rd donkey.


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Krish @ products.snowpal.com | learn.snowpal.com

I am a Software Developer and Architect, and run the engineering team at Snowpal. Subscribe to our APIs to reduce time to market for your web & mobile apps.