Snowpal Education: How to use Postman API Client
Productivity is key to success. If you are doing something once, it almost doesn’t matter if you don’t do it all that well. Almost. But the moment you do something more than once, it better be the best way to do it (or, at the very minimum, a progressively better way to do it).
APIs. Build. Publish. Document.
Whether you are building APIs to monetize them directly, or to simply serve the backend needs for your Web, Mobile or Server Side Apps, using a good API client is imperative to your project’s turnaround times (and therefore, your success, your team’s success and your company’s success).
While there are quite a few options out there, Postman is one of the most popular tools out there.
It’s likely you’ve heard of it, and it’s likely you are even using it. But, are you using it well? Are you enjoying the time you are spending on the tool, and is it serving your expectations just fine?
Postman API Client
Whether you are building REST APIs, or Graph APIs, Postman can come in real handy. More so for REST than for Graph but we’ll teach you more than a bit of both.
We’ll teach you how we use Postman to build all the APIs we currently have deployed in Production. If you are even slightly unsure, check out our course and we are quite confident it will help you use Postman better.
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